All of his viewable previous auctions had chips for $1.60 shipping and cards for slightly more, except one with high shipping and a 1c auction.
For the people who ask what's the difference, it's minor but eBay has rules against avoiding fees. That's all it changes for the seller, changes nothing for the buyer.
For most people, we have learned to look at shipping because some people will sell things cheap and gouge on shipping. Not fee avoidance, just out of this world shipping. In hopes they can catch an unsuspecting buyer and make their profit on the shipping, not the item they are selling.
As for the logo, I know the club has issues with protecting it and all. He has in large - bold print, right above the logo "Proud Member" it couldn't be more obvious.
Maybe someone could make one from the standard logo and make it available to members (probably already done) and put it up on the club site, with the word MEMBER included for those who don't have software that will make nice arched lettering on gifs or jpgs.
Then make a link on the site... Member Logos. The "s" part is that there should be a few choices.
Result will be that when someone uses the club logo improperly, they can be notified and directed to a site where they can obtain the correct Member Logo and use it.
This makes the compliance easier and the club helpful, while still protecting the logo. Something with an tasteful "member" on it, not like this.