Jimbo; People are judged by deeds, not words. When someone says they are going to do something, and then do something else, a question of sincerity will arise in most folks minds.
I think that the "new Burt" has to prove that he is now sincere and that some of those things he said about well-meaning respected folks in the past are water under the bridge for which he has since atoned and that he's a different person now.
Personally, I'll give Burt the benefit of the doubt. They say a leopard does not change their spots. I'm sure we'll all be able to tell in a fairly short period of time whether Burt's words of today are sincere and whether they will ring true for tomorrow.
A personal aside to Burt. There is no "clique" on this message board. It's a false perception that you (and others who have made that charge) are going to have to get over. What you refer to as a "clique" is the group of vocal people who regularly post on various subjects.
Would you say that those lurkers who read messages but who rarely post their opinions publicly are another "clique"?