Just curious....
I agree with the following sentiment that has been discussed many times on the chipboard regarding e-Bay shipping charges:
If the total cost of an item is $15.00 and it is $14.99 for the item plus a penny for shipping,
or a penny for the item and $14.99 for shipping, it does not matter much to me )as a potential buyer).
Either I like it for the total of $15.00, or I don't.
In this case, although not totally unreasonable, I personally do not feel the chip (and the very flowery description) is worth the total asking price, but that is just my personal decision/choice - others may choose to disagree.
Another interesting part of the description is (ok, I am getting VERY particular here, but I just found it humorous and I hope the winning bidder does not try to pay with a MO or check):
"I do not except paypal, only checks or money orders"
One thing I am curious about is just who is this
"proud member in good standing"
So I did a little checking:
- I looked at the
home page membership list and R-6312 is not there (not uncommon)
- I looked in the past issues of the Club mag and there is no reference of R-6312 in the new member section (not common). 6311 and 6313 are there, but no 6312 - just curious - why would this be?
- I searched the message board and many of the archives for any reference to 6312 in subject and text and found none
- I did a google search on R-6312 & R6312 and found nothing chip related except the e-Bay auctions.
Again, I don't find anything terrible with the auction, I am just curious why I cannot find a "proud member". Are you out there? Anyone have any other search suggestions? Anyone want to e-mail me the answer?
Have a great day...Jim