Nice looking pages, and they were nice last time I looked.
Small suggestion, before you find yourself in a web of the web.
Name all graphics and files in all lower case.
L1.gif is different than L1.GIF and L1.Gif or l1.gif. I've found that by using one standard, you never have to remember what you did last year when you were editing some page at 3 am.
If you are using WsFtp there's a selection in the website settings, that will force all file uploads to be converted to lower case. Another no brainer. (which is why I use it)
When you have errors and can't seem to find them, there's always View Source which will show you what the browser is seeing.
One more little one. I edit my pages in Wordpad (talk about bare bones and basic) and set the Word Wrap ON. This makes it easier to see those long lines of code that would run three pages off the right of the screen and has no effect on how HTML functions.
Just some things that will make life easier, some day down the road.