It is easy to defend Great poets who, I love Ernie Pyle (But he doesn't need to be defended), and Patrick Henry enjoys the benefit of history.
The rights we claim to hold dear, can only be real if they withstand real pressure. UNfortunately, that is why the battles over rights occur in such bad places.
I think the Nazis are scum, and it turns my stomach that they would march in a predominately Jewish suburb of Chicago (Skokie). But the fact that they have a right to their 'speech' no matter how much we hate them, is protected by law and the government, helps insure that a situation where hated groups are rounded up, taken to camps and murdered won't happen here.
THomas Jefferson pointed out the best way to counter a disagreeable idea is to allow the people to respond. They did, in Skokie. You haven't heard of any other efforts by the Nazis to march in Skokie, have you?
I don't want to be denied Mark Twain, Shakespeare, Irish Poets, PLayboy, Watergate coverage, The heritage of the 60's, Martin Luther King, or the potential of the future.
Nor do I want to be arrested without cause, my home searched, railroaded into a cell, or held for extended periods without a hearing or bond. I want to speak about what I want, to whom I want, when I want. I want to believe in my God, worship as I believe, and to not be forced to accept beliefs which are not mine.
I want to live free...
For me to have all that, somebody has to stand on the wall. Somebody (a lot of young, strong, wonderful somebodies) must be willing to die far away.
That is why I value the sacrifice. That is why I come in here, and fight like hell to defend people I would never let in my home. To do any less with be to de value the contribution so many have made.
Oh Gawd, I sound like a politician...
Take Care.
Those are the reasons I do the job I do