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The Chip Board Archive 14

Okay now, who are you really....

...and what have you done with the real Don Lueders?!?

I could be wrong, but ever since the online chipping community moved from the Prodigy BB's to Greg's Chipboard, the REAL Don Lueders has always used [g] instead of grin !!!

Bob rofl

Messages In This Thread

Whay does anyone bid on this??
Re: Whay does anyone bid on this??
Re: Jim, That Brings Up...
Ivory chips aren't in TCR or TGT.
Re: Ivory chips aren't in TCR or TGT.
Re: Whay does anyone bid on this??
Re: Whay does anyone bid on this??
Re: Whay does anyone bid on this??
Re: Whay does anyone bid on this??
Re: Whay does anyone bid on this??
Re: Why does anyone bid on this??
Okay now, who are you really....
I almost fell for it
I can not disagree with the use of the word "rare"
oops here is the rare one

Copyright 2022 David Spragg