Well thank you and I appreciate your kind words. But to be truthful I have a long way to go and a lot to learn. This is my first experience in building a website, with no instructional skills whatsoever. The web-editor was a free download, however I did purchase a $25 text-to-image program. Other than that, and a little help from some of these great people, it's been a trial & error project. I do not read instructions, typical male, so you can just imagine my frustration from time to time.
Last night I actually wrote my very first Javascript to make a particular funtion work. I searched the web for three days to find such a script, with no luck, then started tinkering until I had results. I'm kind'a starting to figure some of this stuff out.
I'm able to spot flaws when I view my site on other PC's. So I take notes, then when I return I attempt to fix or improve them.
In any event, thank you again and please stop by often.
Take care,