Atomic Bomb Recipe
Ingredients: 1.0 oz Benedictine
4.0 dashes Blue Curacao
2.0 oz Gin
Directions: Combine Gin and Benadictine in glass, shake Curacao over top.
The Flamingo could be making their own version, with just about anything.
Reminds me of a drink that was made in the WI Dells in the 70s which I don't know if you could even make now. They were trying to promote the White Whiskey from Canada (is it still make) and mixed blue curacao (pronounced CURE-ah-so for those who wonder, same as the name of the Netherland Antilles Island in the Caribbean) with white whiskey and just a touch of grenadine. Nice purple color.
I think they used a wine glass, so you could see the light through it and the stem added a little height.
It was called a "Carbon Arc"