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The Chip Board Archive 14

I got this message from a fellow (coward) member

And got a good laugh out of it, funny thing was he talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk!!! wont leave a name or member ### I openly invite him to leave it here, As for Vic, I have never shorted ANYONE on a trade here or a sale on Ebay. Just another loser who loves to complain
here is his letter to me through my Ebay account
(refering to my wsop chips for sale on Ebay)

His or her letter to me here;
Actually you do see this chip everyday. I guess you don't spend much time on ebay or you'd see they're listed every other week? There were thousands of them produced just like all the other WSOP buy in chips you've listed week after week as VERY RARE. Or, the 5K & 10K WSOP tourney chips you listed in the past as very rare? Maybe you should look up the definition of a rare chip? I think it is funny you're willing to mislead newer collectors into thinking they're buying something very rare for $40 when in actuality it is considered quite common. What is really funny is you were very quick to judge Vic Galante on the chip board because someone else said he did unethical things. I guess you don't consider it unethical to advertise something as very rare when in actuality it is a common chip? Before you judge others maybe you should take a look in your own backyard. Taking advantage of a newer collector is reprehensible or didn't you read your club oaths?
My Recap Here:
I guess the 10k is a common chip so my question is why only one listed on Ebay right now?? anyone have 12 or more I can buy from them today??? since they are so common.
Please see my auction and count how many wsop's I have for 40.00???? one word. JEALOUSY
I hope this doesnt offend anyone out there unless you are the nameless coward and then I dont give a hoot!!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg