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The Chip Board Archive 14

Anyone need Westward Ho 1.00 and .50 chips??

I have a couple stacks of both and wont make it to Vegas in time to cash them in!! If you want to buy them all then i only want face + shipping and any paypal fee incurred so that i break even. If you want a set of 1.00 and .50 I will do that for 3.00 delivered and i pay shipping. Let me know if you need any. Going to Vegas at the end of November to cash in over 1,500 $1.00 chips that i no longer desire to sell. If you need any other 1.00 chips let me know. I will be organizing them all this week, thanks John

Messages In This Thread

Anyone need Westward Ho 1.00 and .50 chips??
Re: Anyone need Westward Ho 1.00 and .50 chips??
Please send me list of your 1,500 - $1 chips

Copyright 2022 David Spragg