Yesterday I won Victor Salnicky's LE Chip (thanks Vic, it was a "Wild Guess"). This morning on my way to work a very big brown and white beef cow was running down the road toward me I stopped my truck on the side of the road and tooted the horn, the cow came toward me and stood in the middle of the road, I kept tooting, it finally got to the shoulder of the road and was running east toward town. I called 911 and told them that a cow was loose on the road, they asked me if I knew who the cow belonged too (get real). I don't know where these cows live, its bad enough keeping track of the deer running accross the roads
and the joggers and the kids on bikes and the walkers and the dogs and and and... you get the picture.
Thanks Vic, I'm glad you didn't have an elephant on your chip
Dave #R-6620