To simplify viewing, I have included all pics in this post, so the file will be large.
Shipping is $1.00 total for any amount of chips
There are $1 and $5 chips listed below, including GO chips, Millenium chips, HR and Palms chips, and misc $1 and $5 chips.
Price for each pic of chips is listed above the picture
Please email if interested
$1 chips are now $1.25 ea
Below chips are now $-.25 UNDER FACE ea.
Below $5 chips are now $5.50 ea.
Below Millenium chips are now $8.50 ea.
Below Grand Opening Chips are now $7.50 ea.
Below Hard Rock and Palms Chips are now $7.50ea.
Below $5 chips are now $6.50 ea. and the $10 chip is $7.50
Thank you,