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The Chip Board Archive 13

No....I won't be playing tonight...

my daughter has her first high school "Homecoming" dance tonight and the parents are all meeting at 7PM (PST).

Cracks me up...she's going in a limo with a group of other kids, driving all of 1 1/2 miles to the dance and then to Denny's for a fine meal after the dance rofl !!

Have fun & good luck, Dennis. grin Steve B

Messages In This Thread

Wow!!! What a misleading eBay auction
sad He knows EXACTLY what he's doing...
Mr Hilton has no qualms about screwing the chip
I agree, Doug...this seller intentionally
Well if it aint my old friend Philip grin
Re: Mr Hilton has no qualms about screwing the chi
Andy, No idea who the girl is, but sure would
LOL...Hey I'm with you Rob!!!
Re: hey Mr Bedo ya playin tonight??
No....I won't be playing tonight...
Re: No....I won't be playing tonight...
As Jay may (or may not grin ) attest to...
Re: There Are Two...
Re: Wow!!! What a misleading eBay auction
Re: Wow!!! What a misleading eBay auction

Copyright 2022 David Spragg