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The Chip Board Archive 13

vbg THE LCOTD vbg

According to TCR this place opened in 1913 well before gaming was legal in NV and closed in 1974. Not a bad run for a small town casino. You have to remember that Tonopah was a "BOOMTOWN" and there was alot of money floating around. This one shows the OBV of the Black Large Crown used around 1943. The front side shows the classic script "TC" used on both the Ochre and the Black. There has been speculation that the 21-3 refers to 21 table #3. If anyone has proof of this PLMK so I can update my files.
Hava Good One, Richard

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vbg THE LCOTD vbg
Hey Hot Rod....
Re: Hey Hot Rod....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg