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The Chip Board Archive 13

Mother of Pearl Chip Set - Really Neat !!!

I bought this set of Mother of Pearl chips at the Atlantique City Show this past weekend. The set of chips was in a box marked "AU BAIN BLUE - PARIS - 27, Bd des Capucines".

I checked Google and found that AU BAIN BLUE is a very famous Paris toy store, similar to FAO Schawartz in New York City. AU BAIN BLUE has been in business since 1830 and is still in business, but at a different address than the one shown in the box.

There were also two decks of Gold edged cards in perfect shape in the box with the chips.(See cards below) The writing on the Ace of Clubs says -"REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE - DECRET DU 12 AVRIL 1880/90".

The set contains - (30) 1's - (30) 2's - (60) 5's - (30) 10's - (21) 20's and (12) 50's. All the chips are in perfect shape.

My best guess would be that this set dates from the 1890's, but I am not sure.

Can anyone else give me any info on this set and it's possible value??

John Benedict or Robert Eisenstadt - what do you think?

The quarter and the chip shown in the scan are for size comparison the round chips measure 13/8" in diameter.

Take care,
"Mr. Roulette"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg