It was warmer than normal and we got what had to be a blizzard, only in rain. It was the first time I remember hearing my sump pump run in 7 years of living here. After having went in the basement to inspect everything earlier, I was content to know my little sump pump was chugging its little heart out.
For some reason, I went down around 9:00 and saw that the 1 1/2 inch pipe that carries water from the sump pump had blow apart at the check valve. I now had a 1 1/2 inch pipe blowing water all over my basement every 45 seconds. Not cool. Ended up that not very much got ruined. I was very lucky.
Like you said in your other message--nothing compared to the gulf coast. Still made for a grumpy evening though. Thank goodness Meijer's is open 24x7 because of course it happened right when Home Depot and Lowe's closed.
Best of luck cleaning up!