Only three days and the Australian & New Zealand reference list is starting to bulk up.
Thanks to contributions from several generous chippers, a lot of holes have been filled, and many unknown (to me) chips discovered.
John is working hard to clear a backlog of scans to be posted, but new things are added every day.
If you have any interest in collecting the chips of these two countries, you might find this list helpful.
As it stands, the Australia & New Zealand list is far from a finished product. I’m sure there are a few errors and many omissions, both of which I hope can be remedied in the next two months. My goal is to be able to declare the list complete and finished by year's end.
All numbers listed as reference for the chips should be considered very temporary. Numbers are being changed on a daily basis as I become aware of new chip series and insert them into the sequence. Again, I hope to have things stabilized by year's end.
Ken Nestle