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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: I'll weigh in
In Response To: Re: I'll weigh in ()

I guess you haven�t listened to The Reverend Sharpton and JJ very much. Mickey Mouse is more credible.

Please feel free to tell me where I can find either of these two people saying that the U.S. Government caused Hurricane Katrina to hurt black people.

I don�t think the reference was made for hiring in NO during the hurricane. [/qoute]

Oh I'm sorry, this was a post of Hurricane rules . . . I guess I should have just expected it to general discussion of unemployment. Well I stand by my position of referring to the original post as drivel.

I think it�s a reference to the outlandish and prevalant social programs in the country. To equate social programs to tax deductions in asinine. You know nothing about me. To insinuate that I sponge off the government because I own a house and deduct the interest clearly shows where your head is.

Wellactually this wasn't really about you specifically because I don't know you. But your response pretty much makes it clear that you are in the category of people I was talking about. On hand you refer to "outlandish and prevalant social programs in the country" but then seperate them from the social programs which act to your benefit. As for me sponging off the governemnt because I drive on public roads, Unfortunately this is the case. I certainly believe that we would be better off if the government would limits itself and while some publice highways may be necessary, certainly most roads could be better managed by the private sector. And to answer your next question no I don't believe that their should be a public school system.

Get off my liberal high horse? Conservatives call me liberal, liberals call me conservative. I'm not much concerned with labels, but If you would get up on this horse with me I can show you a better way.

Just out of curiousity exactly what wisdom did you find in this piece?

Messages In This Thread

Goerge Carlin on New Orleans
Doesn't anyone do any research
I'll weigh in
Re: I'll weigh in
Re: I'll weigh in
Re: I'll weigh in
Re: I'll weigh in
This would appear to be an Urban Legend...
and what incredibly stupid

Copyright 2022 David Spragg