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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING


Personally, I like the TITO machines. I don't however like the multimedia machines in OK that use the card.

I hope I never see the day where casinos are all virtual. I'm not sure how I'd hook Katie here up to my USB port. grin

Messages In This Thread

TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING
What is next? ... no Gene Trimble! grin
Ed, where have you been??
Re: TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING
Greg, do I need to talk to your WIFE *VBG*
Re: Greg, do I need to talk to your WIFE *VBG*
Re: TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING
Re: TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING
Re: TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING
Re: TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING
Re: TITO... ugh!!! What is next? VENTING
Re: Question? Chips?
Time to dump Paulson and BJ stock!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg