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The Chip Board Archive 13

for sale Attention UK Chip Collectors for trade

I just purched a group or what I believe to be the last remaining french jetons from the Pleasurama casino that was located in Liverpool. From what I understand these are 1970's issues.

I have not received these yet, but wanted to offer them for presale ot trade so I can see what if any of my money I can recoup.

the are all in excelent condition with nice full stamps and no chips or cracks.

White 10 GBP = $20
Blue 10 GBP = $35

Please let me know if you would like me to set aside any of these jetons for you. I am looking to trade for other older UK chips, or nicer sample jetons or plaques.

Thanks and happy chipping,
Doug (R3209)

Messages In This Thread

for sale Attention UK Chip Collectors for trade
Liverpool?? Try Brighton grin
OOps, you are correct. Just finished listening to
David, What a great night.......
Paging Mr Pasternack grin
I think I may be able to recite them ALL word for
And the meek shall inherit the earth grin
I am impressed, Didnt figure you for a Rush fan...
I saw them when they released 2112.
Speaking of JAZZ...
Keith, that was already one of my favorites
Cubans, Glenlivet, CHIPS, and now SACD?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg