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The Chip Board Archive 13

Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
In Response To: Speaking of strange posts... ()

I have fuly disclosed all my dealings with Mr Whalen here in the past. Perhaps you were not aware that I acted on behalf of the club in order to try and help them reach some sort of resolution in the past.

To that effect, I had three chips altered as follows:

An inlay from a Borland Commemorative $25 was replaced with that from a $5, thus creating two errors. The cross hatching was 'replaced' on one and not on the other. The purpose of this was to demonstrate an alteration that could be detected by naked eye and one that couldn't. These chips were specifically chosen as they were of little or no value.

A drilled chip had the hole filled so we could determine the validity (succesful) of Xrays to detect this. This chip was chosen as it was the only one that showed up over a period of time that would suit the purpose.

A further 'sample' chip was provided to me with a drill hole fixed, but the chip 'finished' on one side only.

In addition, I purchased a small number of fake Brass Core chips. One of these was in the same color as a genuine chip, two were in 'unknown' colors, and 5 others were 'marbelised' and could not possibly be mistaken for anything genuine. These chips were all in different stages of completion. Some of them were 'experiments' and some were chips David's customers had declined.

I have posted details and pictures of all these chips here before, and Mike Skelton used them in his presentation to club members at Arizona Charlies the monday before the convention.

In due course, they will be published again, but there are reasons for not doing so now. Im sure you will understand.

In addition I was given a number of (poor in comparison) faked Borland chips, some of which appear at the bottom of my article on Borland Commemoratives.

In reference to the post you link to, whilst I do not condone what David has, or has been purported to have done, he is a friend and I believe he was being sarcastic. Thats how I read it.

Add to that the fact that before all this I had spent significant money to purchase a number of 'suspicious' chips with a view to getting them xrayed. Xrays proved inconclusive on those so the inlays were removed. The chips turned out to be genuine and the money was lost.

If you'd like some verification of the above, and that I acted with the PRIOR knowledge and 'sanction' of the BOD and other club members, perhaps you would like to ask the following people. Maybe some of them will see this post and respond anyway. Obviously, for legal reasons, some of them cant.

Gene Trimble
Dr Allan Myers
Archie Black
David Whalen
Mike Skelton
Eric Rosenblum

Messages In This Thread

The Australian Project progress report.
Here we go again
Speaking of strange posts...
Re: No surprise to me ...
Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
OK - understood
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? Bob
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? Gene and David
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? Gene and David
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Whats strange about it Ed? (Serious post)
Re: Its all very interesting David
Re: Its all very interesting David
Re: Here we go again
Re: Here we go again
Re: Here we go again

Copyright 2022 David Spragg