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The Chip Board Archive 13

for sale 35 diff. Obs. Roulettes + NCV's for sale

All 35 chips shown.
$ 40.00-Delivered
If you don't want them all,I have extras :

-Ella Star.....12 different roulettes--$ 15.00
-Gold Strike...5 roulettes-- $ 9.00
-Bellagio-WPT NCV's-4 different--$ 6.00
-Bicycle Club...3 different--$ 5.00
-Paradise Island..2 diff.--$ 5.00
-Flamingo 1000 NCV--$ 4.00
-Flamingo 25 NCV---$ 3.00
-Red's Corral--$ 7.00
Above prices include shipping
If your interested,email me.
I will also trade for $ 1.00 chips of foreign chips.

Messages In This Thread

for sale 35 diff. Obs. Roulettes + NCV's for sale
Bruce, check your email!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg