This is one I would be comfortable telling my Irish Catholic Mother, and even a couple Priest friends, yet you note in the opening that this is "adult" humor.
THis is not a criticism, I think it is as cute as could be. It made me think of my Great Uncle who passed several years ago from Cancer. Several relatives were taking shifts to help my Grandmother care for him. My brother and I took the night shifts. All day long apparently he would ask if either of us were there (or when would we get there). They all thought that he needed to be moved or use the restroom and was embarressed to have one of the girls help him. They did all the time, but he was still a proud man.
When I arrived he shood all the women out of the room, and had me lean close, and he whispered a joke to dirty to share here.
He had remembered the joke and wanted so badly to share it, but he wouldn't have dared tell it to a woman (would not have been proper).
Truth is I don't recall enough of the joke to not screw it up, but the look of pleasure on this old man's face is one of my fondest memories, and today's humor brought that back to me.
Keep up the good work.