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The Chip Board Archive 13

Scan doe's not show faults!

I scanned the chip by my brother in law and it does not show the problems with the chip.

My brother in law is a CCGTCC member and saw the problems first hand.

He even said the chip is not MINT and may have been cleaned. It is really scratched alot in the insert.

Also chip is worn and edges show that.


Messages In This Thread

Grading Service needed in this case!
Why haven't you returned the chip for a refund...?
I have'nt asked but...............................
Re: Definitely makes a case for...
Re: Definitely makes a case for...
Re: Definitely makes a case for...
I have the up-most respect for this ..............
You lost me.
Do you think I want to question...................
Some of the "greats" would rob you blind
did you only pay 8.00 for it??
Paid 200 for a $25 Playboy H.R.
Post a scan
Going by me brother-in-law...................
Re: Grading Service needed in this case!
Time to ask for a REFUND
Can we see the scan?
How do I attach the scan?
Re: Grading Service needed in this case!
Re: Grading Service needed in this case!
Your trying to CHEAT me!
Re: Your trying to CHEAT me!
I want a REFUND period
Scan doe's not show faults!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg