I totally agree! Great post! Ebay has opened doors and advertised collectibles like chips, etc. unlike any other avenue. Ebay is great and so is paypal. Everything you do is fee's or what seems like high costs for essentials these days. Parking, riding a bus, eating, bottled water (now thats getting expensive!). Ebay is still a bargain and always will be compared to what it would take to reach collectors all over the world. In consulting on the Platinum Collection of chips that will go on ebay Oct 11th. I felt ebay was the absolute best to reach the broadest clientele better than the major auction houses. Want to talk about fee's to sell for you! And ebay charges no premium to the buyer unlike many chip or antique auctions.
Today I saw a for sale sign in a front yard in Goleta, out by Santa Barbara here- it was an ebay sign advertising the house is on ebay.
Ebay has helped to make this chip hobby grow and its open for business 24/7.