For the past 5 years, Pindex was exclusively held at the HARD ROCK HOTEL & CAFE IN LAS VEGAS, but this year...PinSanity aka Pindex was held September 7th & 8th at the Hard Rock Cafe Las Vegas as well as the Tropicana Hotel Las Vegas. There were 4 NCV PinSanity Chips made. Here are the detalis of the Chips Made from Lowest LE to highest LE (100,120,300)
PURPLE CHIP PinSanity Jester Girl NCV Chip = LE 100
PINK CHIP PinSanity Dealer NCV Chip=LE 120
YELLOW CHIP PinSnaity Early Bird NCV Chip=LE 120
GREEN CHIP PinSanity Ateendee NCV Chip= LE 300
Enjoy the view ... Fred