Thanks to everyone who ordered the chips and sent me nice welcome messages!
I want to disclose that I will be shipping more than the orginal ten sets due to the interest in the chips. I hope that doesn't bother anyone as I already mentioned I have lots of these chips. Feel free to comment as I don't want to botch my first attempt!
Unfortunately I am not located in Sweden. (I just have good connections) We like it a little warmer here in Southern California.
Per request about the casino, this is all I have:
Engdahl Casino was founded by Matthias Engdahl. It was a group of small restaurant casinos (very typical in Sweden) operating in mid and southern Sweden. I don't know how many locations or what cities exactly, but at one point their corporate offices were located in Upplands Vasby.
I will continue to post Swedish sets here first (20 next time!) before they go to Ebay. I will also continue to bore you will my limited knowledge of the Swedish gaming inudstry.
And yes, I am very happy with my member number. I will admit the most enjoyable part of replying to all your emails was typing that number in my signature. Meant more to me than I expected. Happy friday everyone.