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The Chip Board Archive 13

I am Sorry.....

The kind of people you make fun of are what has made this country great....Laugh at them all you want, but as I said previously they are the class of AMERICANS that would die saving your life.

If you can't realize that, have all the fun you want making fun of them. You don't have a clue.

To call my post offensive because I stood up for red blooded "REAL AMERICAN" people that I probably couldn't measure up to is a slap to them. I have the utmost respect for them.

As I said before, they might not have a ton of money or maybe not much else, but, By God, they believe in this country and everything it stands for.

I love your humor...but sometimes I just wonder...


Messages In This Thread

grin NCR · Thursday Humor...
Re: rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
USA rofl I agree, Kerry rofl
I'm not sure but ...
Thank You.....Somebody Needed To Say It...
My Thoughts....
Neither Mr. Englebretson nor Mr. Nestle...
I am Sorry.....
Somehow I doubt...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg