If your hoping to pin me, I've already said it deserves more thought. If my friend had a chip, Imay have tried to buy it before he placed it for bidding. I can certainly avoid doing anything to harm different friends, and let them go at each other.
In none of my posts did I ever suggest that I would specifically 'conspire' but if I know my buddy wants the black couch, I may pass. KNowing my friends wants can also help the seller.
I have come across items that I know others whom I associate may like. I can let them know, and even act on their behalf. THis brings a bidder into the auction who would never have been involved.
I also try to see whom I am bidding against. For example, if it is a person who does Ebay, they may not go very high, but a person who specifically collects a particular item, or has bid heavily on similar items, I may avoid, simply because I want to avoid a situation where that bidder feels I am intentionally running him up, and may retaliate on something I want.
But to distill your point a little, if I am the only competive bidder with X, and X and I agree to not compete, basically getting steals on every item, it does seem (on its face) as unfair to the seller.
But at a typical auction the auctioneer, and many others do things to try and increase the take, so (not being a seller) I am inclined to reduce my give.