I would like to be able to use my desk again. Before that can happen, I need to get down to the desk. Below is the third group of chips I came to that need a new home.
The prices are as follows (all prices include shipping):
$5 Stateline Saloon (covered wagon) - $5
$5 Stateline Saloon (Desert Splendor) - $5
$25 Stateline Saloon (autographed) - $24
$10 S.T.D.M. - $9
Bikini Watchers Club - $1.50 each or $5 for a set of 4
Pedersens Tavern - $4 each or $10 for set of 3
50 cents Fiesta - $5
10 cents BPOE 99 - $6
25 cents Winnavegas - $3
25 cents Saddle West - $3
$5 CRIS - $3
$5 Saddle West (chip is hot-orange) - $4
Email if you would like any of these chips.
Happy Chipp'in,
Luke R-3867