I am coping very much like you suggest. I am also cutting back on how often I watch updates. I get pretty sick of hearing all the politics and the impatience of the American people. No disaster of these proportions can be dealt with instantaneously. I worked for 30 years as an electrical utility substation operator. I have worked through wind and rain storms of near-hurricane strength, earthquakes, etc. I have experienced first-hand how difficult and slow recovery is under flood conditions with damage to the infrastructure. And these conditions were nowhere near the level of destruction of this disaster.
From a victim's point of view the desperation is bound to be expressed in frustration and anger. But for the rest of us it is better to put politics on the back burner and do what we can to alleviate the misery. There will be plenty of blame to spread around later. Some of us can give money, some of us can help on-scene, some can provide shelter. All of us who believe in prayer can be faithful in that. What each of us can do may just seem like one drop in a bucket, but many drops fill the bucket, many buckets can fill a pond, and the metaphor, although ironic in this case, may be carried on and on.
I guess what my boring tirade leads to is that we need to shut up and do!