Cheers--the Fire Dept roul. chips are not related to your chips. The photos of the Plais chips were in the link (
This is pretty much all I know...
My searches tell me that the Palais de Congress is something like a convention center in Montreal and that CPIAAQ is the Center for the Promotion of Agriculture and Agribusiness in Quebec (not exactly, I don't know French).
The Agriculture part may explain the leaf (wheat?) in the logo. Until I saw the building in the picture below, I didn't know if it was Palais or Plais des Congres. ("Palais" is French for "Palate," "Plais" translates to "Like")
I don't know of any other Casinos that don't have their name on their chips. Does anyone else know? There are some roulettes that don't have the Casino's name, just the logo.
More info from a chip board discussion in 2002:
Yet more info in this thread too, only a few of the posts are relevant to these chips though.