Than pictures of tore up Casinos...probably dead people inside.
There are a number of people on this board that have an interest in Railroading. I just put it up for those folks...
The circumstances that caused the mess had nothing to do with the employees on the trains...It was a dispatcher error that caused all of this.
Most wrecks of this magnitude are caused by dispatchers and I guess they have to live with it.
I do this for a living and one of the ultimate nightmares is getting involved in something like this. Thankfully, we have triple track main line and all CTC. The computers that back up the system will not allow bonehead dispatchers to set up something like this.
This mess occured in Track Warrant Control territory. That is simply a very poor mans CTC system, all done on paper. The dispatcher gave two trains authority to operate on the same segment of track.
It occurred on the IC which is a broken down wooden axle operation.
If you are offended, I apologize, but I see little or no difference in looking at train wrecks and Casinos all busted to hell...