You just have to do the customs forms and I always get a certificate of mailing (90 sents on Form 3817) reason is you can not insure to many countries so this gives you proof of it being sent. Some, if you do insure, it gets in to the hands of a private courier for delivery. Then the buyer gets charged a huge amount of money($40-60.00) and gets really cranky.
Many will ask you to falsify the customs forms as the duty is around 20%. I state in my ads I will not do that. Chances of getting caught are pretty slim but the penalty is a big one.
There are a lot of shipping options, Global Priority is OK, but I prefer Airmail Letter Post. Economy letter post goes on the boat and takes for ever.
Payment is PayPal from countries that can convert to US Dollars. International Money Orders are not popular as they are really expensive. Most I get are Western Union Bid Pay checks or they just send cash American.