Read the intro of the 3rd edition and you will see that Campiglia and Wells briefly touch on the coverage of chips in their price guide.
With credit to the authors, it states...
"The primary purpose of this book is to cover the real, regular issue chips actually used on the tables. Space limitations have forced us to eliminate the Nevada Limited Edition section as it was presented in the 2nd edition."
In the last paragraph, they offer more...
"If you make an important discovery or have some great chips that you think we should know about, you can send a photocopy to..."
Not trying to stir the pot, but nowhere does it state that the guide should or will include all chips. The authors actually go out of their way to address this and offer to better their price guide with the help of the readers.
You don't have to like the book, Ken, but there are many of us that do, and feel it's necessary for us to speak up also.