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The Chip Board Archive 13

Kirk, I've been trying to contact you via email...
In Response To: Re: please explain this ? ()

Kirk, I've been trying to contact you via email since July 27th concerning a transaction that we agreed to do but I haven't heard back from you.

I also made a post here at the Chipboard asking you if you were getting my messages or not but you never responded to that post.

I thought you were pretty committed to purchasing the chip since I indicated that I really didn't want to accept payment via paypal because I get dinged a fee (since my account type is not a "personal" one). You even agreed to pay the paypal service charges so I thought the deal was sealed. I never did recieve payment and I've been trying to get ahold of you privately via email about it.

In your post above, you have the chip pictured and am wondering if you found it elsewhere. I was going to take it to the convention and try to sell it there but decided to wait until I heard back from you. Please advise.

Messages In This Thread

please explain this ?
Re: please explain this ?
Re: please explain this ?
Re: I agree with Joel ...
Kirk, not to jump on the band-wagon, but...
I agree with Jim...
Re: please explain this ?
I agree 100%, Paul
Re: please explain this ?
Kirk, I've been trying to contact you via email...
Re: please explain this ?
You are also missing a keyword
Re: You are also missing a keyword
I don't care if I sell a chip ha
grin Julie...I've gotta apologize for
Re: grin Julie...I've gotta apologize for
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
vbg Like I didn't know THAT was coming!! vbg
Thank you. I am honored

Copyright 2022 David Spragg