What if there were no Nevada chip price guides at all?
That some chips might not be included is understandable. Consider the time, effort and frustration, not only to compile all this information, but to proofread it and make it into a book. I would compare that to a nightmare.
While nothing is perfect, they all try pretty hard and I would certainly be lost without their reference guides.
I have the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Campiglia & Wells "Official US Casino Chip Price Guide" and The Chip Rack #8, #9 and #10. While both books have distinctive merits on their own, they complement each other, rather than compete.
On those occasions where I've come across a chip that isn't in either of the guides, I post it here on the Chipboard and usually receive a response. More often than not, Alan Myers has taken the time to respond and provide me with a TCR number.
Let's cut these gentlemen just a little slack...