Big Pulp Fiction fans, we bought the VHS version and when the DVD special edition was released, I bought that. When we run out of things to watch, there are very few movies that we can pop in and enjoy any time. Pulp Fiction is one of them.
With that. We enjoyed Sin CIty, I went back to see if some of the figures were in places over time as I suspected. There's one flaw in the continuity (which you can ask in email, because I wouldn't want to give away parts of the plot)
Good movie, excellent and very different filming techiniques. I'll probably buy it when it's out in the used bin. But I think it would be hit and miss whether people loved it or walked away saying, catchy action, pretty but "What the Hey?"
Another movie for the watch almost anything collection is "BASIC" which is funny because I am NOT a John Travolta fan and two of the movies in the favorites have him as a lead. Strange world?