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The Chip Board Archive 13

Sahara Fake Chip

I guess I won't say where this came from since someone could get in trouble for having it. grin
Thank you to a chipper that knows I love this type of chip.
It is a Sahara $5 chip N1295 painted to look like V3352. Chips like this only a much better paint job have been passed in a lot of casinos lately. First ones I ever saw was passed at the FQ's in 1993.
You can see where some white paint was scrapprd off on one side. Sometimes they get cashed fairly easily when put in the middle of a stack of chips.

Messages In This Thread

Sahara Fake Chip
Hey Gene-
Re: Four Queens $100
Re: 3 Accounted For
50 more out there...
thanks for the info grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg