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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Here's the link to report ebay image thefts...

Thanks Archie,
When I tried to make the report, they would not accept the item numbers for my copied auctions most likely because they were closed. I had to relist using the sell similar item feature so I could make the report with a valid item number. I then gave them the item numbers of the closed auctions that were copied. Hope it works.
Will let you know.

Messages In This Thread

Stolen auction listing
Sure you can turn him in to ebay
Re: Sure you can turn him in to ebay
Bruce, my first question would be
Re: Bruce, my first question would be
Here's the link to report ebay image thefts...
Re: Here's the link to report ebay image thefts...
Re: Stolen auction listing

Copyright 2022 David Spragg