Pete, That is a fair opinion. However, even if a set of standards was set, they would be no less subjective than the way it is now, nor would the individuals applying the standards apply it , or interpret it in the same manner.
In our particular hobby, I have seen no evidence of regional bias that would impugn the process. I also feel that allowing those persons who collect the items to set their own criteria for what they like, and vote their opinions. They determine their collecting interest based upon these very biases.
You make a very good point that if we are going to limit those who vote to those that nominate, then it seems strange that a person with a strong enough view on a chip to nominate it, be asked to pass opinion on a a card, or silver strike, items he may never look at.
A committee as you suggest may be one alternative, another may be to open the voting to all members, or maybe all life members, or members of a certain classification. I'm advocating any particular plan, just including these possibilities in the discussion.
I do feel that we should have a plan specific, before any changes are made, and I do believe the people who are handling the awards are giving 110%.