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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Pokerstars is un-freakin-believable!!!!!!!!

Hey Dennis,

I feel your pain. I had KK five times tongiht! Great right?!? Not so much. grin Lost HUGE pots four out of the five times (including my final all in) to AX. Once it was A4, once A9 and one other was AJ, cant remember the other one, it was too painful. Only one time did an Ace come on the flop. I think the A4 and A9 were suited though. Still managed to pull out 9th. Lots of fun, I love Wed. nights!

Take Care,

Tom Hanson

PS- Got your chips, they are even nicer looking in person! When I get mine made we will have to trade. (sent in the order confirmation just a few days ago).

Messages In This Thread

Pokerstars is un-freakin-believable!!!!!!!!
Bettter get used to it....
You Got Your Health & A GREAT Personal Chip ...
I thought Bedo was the only "WHINER"! rofl
Re: I deserved that one Andy! rofl
Yes you did, Dennis! grin
Re: Yes you did, Dennis! grin
I'm not the ONLY "whiner"....just the BEST!! vbg
Steve Bedo! grin You might not be...
vbg's GOOD to be King!! vbg
Hey Steve & Dennis! grin
vbg Oh, PLEEEEEEZ!!! You'll have to come up with
The HARDEST thing about ......
The toughest thing is..
Saw that, Dennis...yeesh... daughter is taking prep courses
Re: Pokerstars is un-freakin-believable!!!!!!!!

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