Ridiculous...BUT, There are certain areas on Ebay where the "Zero" bidder is a problem...Electronics, Computers, Video Game Stuff, Music...I have had problems.
We all had to start at zero and prove ourselves.It would be pretty tough if we always got blocked...
This will probably start a major mess but the thing I look out for more than zero scores is folks that have a religous connotation to their Ebay User Name...Jesuswoman, preachersmith, etc, I could name many more. I have had more scams and nonpayments from this bunch than any other. It just seems odd.
That may look like profiling but after you have as many transactions on Ebay as we have had certain things become evident.
My favorite quick pay folks? Casino Collectibles, Anything Agriculture, Anything Oil related, The license plate guys, Sign Collectors, Postcard and Matchbook, and almost above all else that we sell, The Railroad Collectors.
Just My two cents,