Hey Pam,
GREAT Another UV person!!!
I'm glad to hear that more people are looking at their chips with UV lights!!! There is a whole new world awaiting to be seen on some casino chips!!! (Microdots are yet another... - Yet that is a different story...)
I'm sure Greg will do a very UV good scan for you. As you can from the image below, sometimes the UV yields information about the chip that was previously not know (well to me at least...)
Note that Hilton owned Pacos, and also note the little Sombrero!!!
Using UV I have seen different sizes of the PAULSON H&C on the same chips, different colors (Orange Vs Green), No UV markings Vs a UV marking (such as your chips here) as well as different locations of the UV Markings
I certainly hope that after Greg scans the chips that he will post an image showing both UV and Normal light (like the images I showed in the last three Bruce Landau Memorial Auctions!!!)
Again, Great Job Pam!!!