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The Chip Board Archive 13

Attn Borland Collectors! vbg

Jim Blanchard just made two posts regarding the different 'issues' of some of the Borland commemorative chips. As well as the different size inserts, in some cases there are distinct differences in color also.

Im going to suggest the following: (Your comments welcome grin )

I show all the 'varieties' on the club website and in my on-line article, using scans of mine and any others anyone else comes up with.

In the 'lists' in my article, I add the insert sizes, and I also add the varieties as separate listings. However, to make it easy for 'basic' or 'specialised' Borland collectors to follow, I wont re-number (with one exception) but will simply add an 'a' suffix. eg 22, 22a

The one exception is the Mint $1 Black which we now know is 'first issue' and the Dark Blue with larger inserts is 'second issue'

I was going to offer some Borlands for sale later today but I think I will delay that a while to give people a chance to check their collections and see what they have. No doubt some will now have 'traders' they didnt think they had also grin

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Attn Borland Collectors! vbg
Borland sale postponed until tomorrow

Copyright 2022 David Spragg