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The Chip Board Archive 13

Tommy, I can work on scans, however....

it will be a short list.

Only the Riviera put out a chip convention related chip, as a live action chip.

The Palms put out a NCV set of 5 for both the Poker and Blackjack tourney.

The Club put out a No Value Convention chip.

And although not a chip, I believe there are several Silver Strike related issues.

But if your question was about live action chips... There was only the one, and it was done solely by the Riviera, i.e., no approval/endorsement from the Club.

Does this mean you are looking to spend your winnings? vbg


Messages In This Thread

Does any1 have a scan of all chips made
Re: Does any1 have a scan of all chips made
Tommy, I can work on scans, however....
Re: Tommy, I can work on scans, however....
Re: Tommy, I can work on scans, however....
I'm not so sure we should take the Riviera...
Jim for u yes! grin
Re: Does any1 have a scan of all chips made

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