We got home today from a great convention experience! Lots of great chips, but the best was the people. Met lots of chipper's I've only corresponded with or read posts by on the board, and lots more who aren't on the internet yet. If you've never been to the convention, start making plans to attend next year. Next years dates are June 28 - July 1st.
I took 5 Ziploc Bags with me and crammed them with stuff I found, begged, borrowed or stole along the way. Special thanks to Mike Quinlivan and Brian "Mr. Splash Bar" Cashman for making donations to the Ziplocs. I had the pleasure of working the Building Fund Table with Mr. Quinlivan's wife Corni, who stepped in as Co-Chair when Rick Miner couldn't attend the convention. And, I can attest as a witness that Mr. Splash Bar did indeed live up to his name.
I'll hold the Ziploc Drawing early tomorrow morning, so if you're a member who didn't make it to the convention and haven't entered yet, read the announcement below and post a reply to this message with your name and
This announcement is for all members who will not be able to attend this year's convention in Las Vegas. I’ll post a reminder once in a while between now and convention time. If you’ve already posted a response, your name should be included in the list at the bottom, so there’s no need to post again.
This year there will be 5 winners!!
For those who don't remember the first Un-Convention-al Ziploc Drawing, here's how it works:
I remember how miserable I was my first year as a chipper when I couldn't attend the convention. So, for those club members who cannot attend this year, I'm taking along 5 ZIPLOC bags like the one you see below. That's right....
I will drop extras of whatever I come across into the ZIPLOCS... chips, slot cards, room keys, bungees, matches, Terry Shaffer's old cigarette butts, etc. If I run out of room in the ZIPLOCS, I'll borrow one of the many bags my wife will be collecting at the Fashion Show Mall during convention week.
I can't guarantee what will be in the ZIPLOCS when I get back, except for the few items I've added ahead of time to get it started.
When I get back home, I'll hold a drawing and 5 lucky winners will get the contents of the 5 ZIPLOCS. If I get more than 5 of something, I'll draw additional names for the extra stuff.
The rules are simple.
And all you have to do to enter is POST YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME AND MEMBERSHIP NUMBER AS A RESPONSE TO THIS THREAD (or earlier posts of this same announcement.)
Don't e-mail me to enter. My mail box will fill up before I get back and I might miss an important message from some people in Nigeria who I'm helping transfer millions of dollars into the U.S.
I'll post the names of the winner(s) when I get back and contact you for a shipping address.
If any of this years attendees are reading this, I encourage you to pick up an item or two and have your own drawing for those left at home this year. You'll be sharing the excitement you feel when you pick up your own "goodie bag" at the registration desk.
Other donated items are welcome from those fortunate enough to attend Since I'm doing five bags this year, I welcome your help.
Those who have entered for this years drawing so far include:
Stu Grant R-6598
Richard Fellman R-3881
Roy Baldwin R-4155
Jeff Buckner R-5478
Pam Goertler R-3432
Doug Spear 4079
Virgil Foss R- 6387
Tony Inzerillo (((((NEED YOUR CCGTCC NUMBER))))
Fred Centanni R-6784
Steve Perry R-6416
Patrick Rice R-6887
Howard Edelman R-2938
John Haines R-6159
Victor Salnicky R-4998
Joel Brixius R-6697
Clement M. (Mike) Hodges R-6943
Paul Bodnar R6924
George Buckner R-5849
Chris Sevick R-6355
Rich LaManna R6488
Jesse Hugg R-6310
Paul Biggs R-6744
Greg Hustead R-6342
Al Whiting R-5856
Jane Voller R5769
Roy Klein R6611
Marty Mitchell R-6970
Rich Meyer R6299
Ron Leis R-3110
jim episale r 2428
David Butler R-5711
Tyler Galusha R-6967
Jose Mari R-6844
Barbara Episale R2428-A
Andrea Perry #R-6416A
Bob Orme R-3576
Tom Hanson R-6618
Scott Brodsky R-0424
tom mgerack 6341
David Wendleton R3663
Mike Klackle R-6027
Rick Pokracki LM-3113-84
Mike Pellerin R-5986
Bill Thompson R-4581
Rick Robillard R-3615
Bob Hiestand R-5251
Steve Blust LM-4120-79
Lance Robertson Sr. R-5654
Dave Kielbasinski R-6620
bob strausbaugh #5630
Michael Richter #2726
Mike Weiher R-6581
Scott Royals R-6779
Wilson Gee R-5555
Dave Cygul R-6666
Bob Stoops R-3614
William Pugh R-6870
Fred DeKeyser (IL) R-6696
Bill Romano R-6330
Jay Wriggins R-6573
Charles Smith, 3476
Justin Ferris R-6672
Jim Fuhlrodt R-3652
Xavier Saavedra R-6623
Dwain Ryan R-6352
Kevin Aydelott LM 5522-98
Ed Noel - R 1083
Keith Galle R-2595
Phyllis Spagnola R-5866
Art Dietze R3741
Pete Klinger LM#104
Gary Wieck R6699
David Feavel R-3965
Pam Holmgren R-6385
Nancy Olson R-5436
Mike Cuddy R-3967
Jim Gardner R-6677
Betty Gardner R-6677A
Damon j. Roberts R-4920
Rich Hodges R-4210
James Jewart R-5498
Robin Waltz R-7020
Carol Wendleton R 3663A
Chuck White R-6318
Elaine Martello LM#4383-58
Ed Charnuk R-4816
Tom Leggio R4002
Lori Leggio R4002a
Rick Miner LM-5270-100
Ron Clewell R-5536
Cyndi Salnicky R-4998A
Dave Viall, R2647
Ken Nestle R-6941
Greg Johnson - R-7010
Tom Thompson R2800
Clyde Bailey R3733
Toni Bailey R3733A
Chuck Tomarchio R-377
Dave Steiner R-4058