First of all, I’m not standing up for “THE RAT”, I think this person is a coward by not standing up and being up front with the Board or the Chipboard. I about 99% sure that this person is a
member and doesn’t want to be identified.
Second, I'm not supporting a "witch hunt" and I’m not sending the list to everyone so we can point fingers at who is and who isn’t selling altered chips. I HAVE NO FACTS THAT SUPPORT EVERYONE ON THE LIST HAS ANY INVOLVMENT WITH ALTERED CHIPS.
My point, similar to why we have a Slab Free Club, is to stand up and say “I’m not supporting individuals who fix chips or dealers who are known to sell altered chips for personal gain”.
This is the beginning of a grass roots campaign that “we the collectors” must wage against the people who continue to support the individuals who are “fixing” chips.
Last year President Mike Skelton said, “Today there are reportedly at least 6 people that are "altering" clay composition chips”. The BOD knows of 6, how many more individuals are out there?;read=17605
There may be a way we can stop this threat!
We ALL should be contacting our local congressmen and have the HOBBY PROTECTION ACT of 1998 changed to cover casino chips. If we can have the law changed, then we could take legal action against anyone who is “fixing” chips. Below is a link to the current Hobby Protection act.
When this act was brought to the attention of the BOD, I was told that this didn’t cover casino chips. If we get it law changes, we might be able to slow down the number of altered chips that are currently in our hobby.
Before I start signing up people for the “Altered Free” Club, I’m still waiting for a response from the BOD on definition of an Altered Chip. Here was the list from last year that the BOD listed:
The following is a list of the alterations that the Board is aware of:
1) The straightening of heat warped chips
2) Removal of varnish and/or glue
3) Repairing rim nicks
4) Gluing broken chips with pigmented glue to avoid the appearance of hairline cracks
5) Re-gluing of inlays that have detached
6) Replacing broken chunks of the chip and inserts
7) Removing of chips from key rings, money clips and bolo ties
8) Resurfacing of chips damaged in concrete or by cigarette burns
9) Swapping good inlays from damaged chips to good chips
10) Removing hot stamp cancellation and/or the reconditioning of an actual hot stamp
11) Making replica inlays by copying good ones
12) Coating brass core slugs with new plastic
13) Repair of drill cancellation
14) Concealment of cancellations
I want to make sure WE all know what an Altered Chip is before you sign the pledge.
Thanks for the support so far.