Lot #077 sold for $225
Lot #156 sold for $175
Lot #167 sold for $60
Quite a few lots got no floor bids and went to pre-auction bidders. Although there were some surprises on the high side, I thought the auction was a disappointment for consigners as there were many lots that went for 1/3 to 1/2 of auction estimates.
Among the four-digit sellers were:
Bonanza Hotel $5, Lot #013 at $2700
El Capitan, Hawthorne $1 at $1900
Gary's Casino, Tahoe $25 at $1900
Golden Slipper 25c hotstamp Lot #093 at $3300
Imperial Palace $100 Lot #110 at $2000
Lotus Inn $5 Lot #119 at $1500