Both have good points. Know from experience buying key dated coins, bought a 1909-S VDB one time for $350 from a dealer, sent it to ANA to make sure it was real. They sent it back and said it was altered, I took it back to our club and told our president, she said she would take it back to the dealer to get my money back, she did.
To this day I see that dealer who sold it to me and he says "I'm sorry" everytime. As he put it he was selling it for another collector who had it for 25 years. So who knows if what we own is really real.
Mike has a good point, if its half the price of what others are buying it for then whats the catch. Beware!
And here's another point for those who go under other "Names", most of you don't get around the other Boards much (not saying here or anything related to Casino Collecting). I mean the BS Forums, people who go there have other "Names". I did, still do.
Why, beause if you use your real Name then you have a repution on what you say and what you preach. Alot of people won't like it so they feel they won't trade with you.
This is why they use Anonymous, billy, ed or Whatever. Everybody has an opinion, a comment and their 2¢.
My thoughts and Have a Nice Day
Dave Kielbasinski #R-6620
#798 (GLCS)